Part of me wishes that the snake would get the recognition that it deserves this year, but I'm just getting my hopes up over that I guess. Though it would be nice to see some conservation efforts for endangered (some of which are critically endangered)  snakes like there were for the tigers a few years back in their year. I'd be happy with just some one making a point of 'hey snakes aren't satan spawn, don't hate them for stupid reasons', but I guess that's too much to ask. /end bitter rant.




I have a few projects planned for next year, and I'm going to use this post to kind of organize them.
Kind of for my personal use but whatever.

The first thing I plan on doing is having something to post every single day. (given that I have the chance.) Rather it be a rough sketch, a finished sketch or completely finished. It can also be a photo. (all of which will be posted here and my sketch tumblr)
Second is that I want to have a completely finished piece every two weeks.
Third is the 100 requests for cs.
Fourth is I want to write several short stories involving my characters.
Fifth is a tribute piece to my grandma, and also a small book of photos.
Sixth is to expand on my drawing and photography. I want to start drawing people, backgrounds and using perspective and learn how to shade.
Seventh is to have a decent layout for this site.

Non art and photography related would:
Passing my GED***
Becoming more organized.
Getting a job, saving money rather than wasting it.
Start on learning German.
Being more out going.
Getting a car.

Ideas I have for drawings.
wysp helps with this
Brothers - use a mirror effect. (Dante and Delano)

Helpful art sites:
Drawing the head.

Have some more pictures.
I'll add more later most likely.

Well I'm not by any means done with my Christmas art for other people. I really should have planned that out a little more, but a few people will be getting late Christmas gifts.

I've already opened up and started messing with my new camera. It's going to take a little getting used to. Tomorrow I should have a few things to upload. For a while I'll most likely just spam a bunch of things to this blog rather than anywhere else. Mostly of cats and things.

Starting with Yuki right there. And Midnight.

My zombie Lotus picture thing for 2012 without the textures and backgrounds. As usual, sketched on paper and colored in sai. c: Green lazy intestines.