

Working on making my own village in creative mode.
I'll just dump a bunch of stuff here and I'll upload my favorites to my art and photography section also.
Just click on the pictures below this one to see the bigger size.
Just because it's easier and it will actually get noticed there.
So my old tablet no longer works. It was a few years old whenever we got it, and it was cheap and didn't work well for the other owners of it for a while so. I think I'm going to go back to some traditional stuff until I can get a new one. Whenever that will be.
Concept for my crow character, Vincent. He is sitting on a stack of books, a window is in the background, while a small shelf of books is in front of the window. A skull, candle and a few more books sit on top of the shelf.
The setting is at night, (maybe) snow on the ground, (maybe hint at a fireplace being in the room).
Vincent is withdrawn, and owns a private library. He is usually the size of a tall man, but in this pictur
Part of me wishes that the snake would get the recognition that it deserves this year, but I'm just getting my hopes up over that I guess. Though it would be nice to see some conservation efforts for endangered (some of which are critically endangered)  snakes like there were for the tigers a few years back in their year. I'd be happy with just some one making a point of 'hey snakes aren't satan spawn, don't hate them for stupid reasons', but I guess that's too much to ask. /end bitter rant.